Thursday, January 20, 2011

Leadership vs. Management

     There are similarities and differences between leadership and management. First I will explain it's similarities. They are similar in handling their subordinates, they both wanted respect from their colleagues, they want their companies to succeed, they plan their work with all of their power.

     Leaders has exemplary characters, leaders needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. Enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. A good leader is confident. Needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty.Tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Keeps the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Lastly, is committed to excellence.

     Managers should have total commitment to building a team that functions in unison to reach their goals. Live what they teach and they command respect by their example. They don't become buddies. They need to develop future vision. They attack pending problems and rapidly make tough decisions. Good managers look at change as healthy. managers must learn is to help people change their self-images by using their individual needs to be comfortable.

     These are the similarities and differences of leaders and managers.

Functions of Money

     There are four uses or functions of money; medium of exchange, standard of value, store of value, and standard of deferred payment. It is used as a medium of exchange, money is really just a means of another end, it is the medium of exchange to get something else that we really need. (e.g. You want to buy a new cellphone then you need money to buy it and let it be yours.) Standard of value,, money gives a value to other goods and services that are bought or sold, money is used as the standard value for the exchange of something. (e.g. The new Samsung Champ cost five thousand three hundred pesos while the Samsung Corby cost six thousand pesos, it differs a lot because it's amount gave it's standard of value.) Store of value, when you put something away for a rainy day, you are storing it, when you put away money, it would still be valuable later because it has a store value in it. (e.g. Your cellphone cost Five thousand and you sell it to other person it's price maybe lessen but when you store a hundred pesos it will surely also cost a hundred pesos.) Standard of deferred system, this means money can be used to pay for items bought or sold on credit, the item or service is bought on credit and paid for later in cash or check. (e.g. You went to a spa salon and then you only have a card money to purchase their service you need to pay the amount you used in cash to the bank.)

Different Types of Money

     There are different types of money : goods and services, metallic money, paper money and card money. The first type of money is also called the "traditional barter system", it is the least effective system of exchange and it is the type of money that is used in the absence of money. For example, you are a debtor and you owed the creditor P5000 and promised to pay it, the day after tomorrow but when the day comes you do not have yet the amount you owed then you must exchange a property of yours to replace the one you used and owed to the creditor. The second type is metallic money, it is precious metal like gold, silver, brass or copper and it has been used traditionally. This are the Philippine peso coins used in our country. The third type of money is the paper money, these are notes/checks/bills. The development of this type of money is supported by the authority. This are the most used type of money. The last type is the card money, these are small plastic cards usually issued by banks and credit companies instead of cash. This type is commonly used by executive people and the workers of our country.

Card Money

Metallic Money

Paper Money

Paper Money

12 Key Business Principles

     There are 12 key business principles. The first one is that you cannot succeed unless you try. This states that you can never achieve anything if you'll just think for it or you'll never do anything to achieve it. It is good if you'll take the risk for something for you to achieve it. The second principle is that you always need to have strategies or back up plans. You need to have strategies for you to achieve success easily or you can use your strategies if the first plan of your will not work. The third is that you need to constantly execute. This explains that you need to have many plans for you to achieve many appreciation from others. The fourth principle states that there is no such thing as once in a lifetime opportunity. Once in a lifetime isn't true because there are a lot of time for you to look for other chances. The fifth one is that you need to stop where you are. You need to work for you to move more and forward. 

      The sixth of the principles is that you need to follow your passion. As you know you cannot have the success if your not into your work or act. It is easier if you'll follow what you really want. the seventh principle is that you need not to ignore your problems. Each problem you have will affect the path of your success, if you'll ignore it how will you focus your steps to success. The eight is that success is obtained by surrounding yourself with quality people. Being with intellectual people is also being intellectual, because once you accompany people who wants to succeed you'll also be wanting to success. The ninth is that opportunities are liabilities not assets. Opportunities are not the ones that will help you, because you might just be wasting time if you'll grab those opportunities. The tenth principle is you don't have to ignore the size. Little things sometimes cost too much, while some other big things cost a little. The eleventh is that you need to do right things many times. When you do the right thing and do not execute wrong plans you'll not be able to attain success. The last one is that success is never guaranteed. You'll never know if you attain success because sometimes you' have downfalls and you'll never be assured if you\ll attain it.