Thursday, January 20, 2011

12 Key Business Principles

     There are 12 key business principles. The first one is that you cannot succeed unless you try. This states that you can never achieve anything if you'll just think for it or you'll never do anything to achieve it. It is good if you'll take the risk for something for you to achieve it. The second principle is that you always need to have strategies or back up plans. You need to have strategies for you to achieve success easily or you can use your strategies if the first plan of your will not work. The third is that you need to constantly execute. This explains that you need to have many plans for you to achieve many appreciation from others. The fourth principle states that there is no such thing as once in a lifetime opportunity. Once in a lifetime isn't true because there are a lot of time for you to look for other chances. The fifth one is that you need to stop where you are. You need to work for you to move more and forward. 

      The sixth of the principles is that you need to follow your passion. As you know you cannot have the success if your not into your work or act. It is easier if you'll follow what you really want. the seventh principle is that you need not to ignore your problems. Each problem you have will affect the path of your success, if you'll ignore it how will you focus your steps to success. The eight is that success is obtained by surrounding yourself with quality people. Being with intellectual people is also being intellectual, because once you accompany people who wants to succeed you'll also be wanting to success. The ninth is that opportunities are liabilities not assets. Opportunities are not the ones that will help you, because you might just be wasting time if you'll grab those opportunities. The tenth principle is you don't have to ignore the size. Little things sometimes cost too much, while some other big things cost a little. The eleventh is that you need to do right things many times. When you do the right thing and do not execute wrong plans you'll not be able to attain success. The last one is that success is never guaranteed. You'll never know if you attain success because sometimes you' have downfalls and you'll never be assured if you\ll attain it.

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